NJ Cargo Trailer


Vendor - Cargo Trailer NJ                   Cargo Trailer NJ has Supplied & ongoing business Relationships with

Supplying Hospitals                 Emergency Response Teams

Fire Departments                     Aid Response Teams 

Police                                       Emergency Response Teams

William Keegan, a retired Port Authority Officer, was introduced by Remsen as the Founder and President of H.E.A.R.T 911.  Like many other service oriented professionals, retirement left a gaping hole in his heart.  He missed helping others.  When the 911 tragedy struck, William, like many others, found himself in the midst of mayhem doing what wasn’t even asked; saving lives and restoring order.  From this ordeal emerged H.E.A.R.T 911, a volunteer organization dedicated to help disaster stricken communities rebuild, pair victims with mental health professionals, and build housing for wounded returning veterans.  Furthermore, their work takes them all over the US, not just the northeast.


CargoTrailerNJ.com   Sold Cargo Trailers to Heart911.org 

H.E.A.R.T 911 owns a trailer used to transport equipment to job sites.  Unfortunately, they had to rent a truck to tow the trailer.  Being a volunteer group, these costs were considerable over time.  In the spirit of giving back to the community, Straub Motors donated a new utility truck to the cause.  I must confess, this act of love so touched my heart I had to excuse myself, hide behind a 1 of 18 surviving 1953 Buick convertibles where I could quietly cry my eyes out.  It was more than I could contain.

Let’s honor the 536 members of H.E.A.R.T 911 and the fine folks at Straub Motors for doing what’s inconvenient, what others are reluctant to do, by giving of themselves for their love of fellow man.
