6x12 Trailer Concession Door NJn

Cargo Trailer NJ                                                         Cash, Certified Bank Checks & Financing

212 W. 1st Avenue. Roselle, NJ 07203 .........Next To Exxon           

  Order Your concession trailer here  (908) 868-8203

Price includes Concession Door, but not windows & screens   

6x10 Trailer, Concession Door, With 3000lb axle.    

                                                      Upgrade to 5000lb axle     

6x12 Trailer, Concession Door, With 3000lb axle.                                                                                                                           Upgrade to 5000lb axle 

7x12 Trailer, Concession Door, 5000lb axle, 6'6" Inside Height   


                                                                                                   Tandem Axle 

                                                                                                         Concession windows and screens

                                        Vinyl Ceiling & Walls .....................

                                        Electrical Pkg, Outlets, 2 Fluorescent 4' Fuse box